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Chichester Board of Selectmen
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 9, 2004

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7pm.

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.



HWY- David Keneally reported that he was just about finished with Hutchinson Road. The road has been compacted, ditches are being fixed and the crushed asphalt is down.  

Mr. Keneally reported that he failed his CDL test and has hired someone to tutor him.  

Mr. Keneally reported that he has someone in line to drive the snow truck.  His name is Mark Hubbard.  Mr. Hubbard has his CDL.

The culvert on Canterbury Road keeps washing out and needs to be replaced.

It was reported that Kelley’s Corner Road timber bridge guardrails need to be repaired.

Selectman DeBold reported that Bailey Road culvert has been replaced and he thanked Division 5 for an excellent and expedient job.

Back Road: Final grading still needs to be done before the Road Agent will approve the road.  Mr. Keneally reported that the road was wide enough and the base was well done.   It was noted that the trees were still on the stone wall.  The owner of the property, Mr. Richard Mackin has scheduled Kenny McGoon to remove the trees.  If any damage is done to the stone wall Mr. McGoon must replace/repair the stone wall.  

Mr. McKay believes that the road is completed.  Mr. Keneally wants the road to have a final grading.  Mr. Mc Kay asked the Selectmen to come and look at the road and to tell him what needs to be done so that he can get the occupancy permit.    The Selectmen declined.  Discussion was made whether the Selectmen would ok an upgrade of class VI to Class V permit after Mr. Keneally approved the road.  Selectman DeBold felt that the road is structurally complete, as so affirmed by the Road Agent, and subsequently with only final grading required, this issue did not have to come back to the table and Selectman MacCleery disagreed.  Selectman MacCleery does not want to give conditional approval.  Selectman DeBold made a motion to accept the Road Agent’s approval.  MOTION DOES NOT CARRY.  It was decided that the Board must not make any conditional approvals.   

It was agreed that the road would have a 2” crown. Mr. & Mrs. McKay are scheduled to meet with the Board on November 16, 2004 to get the road approval.

PD-Lt. Robert Kitson had nothing to report, he said everything was going well.  Lt. Kitson asked about comp time and sick time and wanted to know if they could accumulate.  The Board told Lt. Kitson that the time could accumulate and carry over.  Lt. Kitson is to meet with Patty to discuss how much time Lt. Kitson has.

Selectman DeBold asked Lt. Kitson if the police get involved when a traffic light was out.  Selectman DeBold stated that he noticed the traffic lights were completely out at the intersection of Route 4 and Main Street.  He said he noticed a police cruiser sitting in the parking lot at the Sunoco station, just observing the situation without the flashers on.  Lt. Kitson said that if traffic is moving smoothly the police do not get involved with the flow of traffic.

FD- Mr. Mike Paveligo reported that calls were up 15% and accident reports were down slightly.  Mr. Paveligo asked the Board about paying their own bills.  The Board will look into this.

EM- Mr. John Martel reported that the Hazmat plan is completed and is hoping to have copies next week.  Mr. Martel has received his laptop, he reported that he had to send the first one back because of damage.

Selectman DeBold asked Mr. Martel about his invoice for $1,500.  Selectman DeBold was asking for additional accounting of his invoice for $1,500 for updating the mitigation plan.  Mr. Martel introduced Mr. Vandercourt who works for the Department of Safety.   Mr. Vandercourt explained that Mr. Martel must document all changes in the community and he must maintain the plans.  

Mr. Martel must apply to the state to receive a grant for emergency services and communications.   If the grant is approved the Department of Safety sends half of the grant money before the project begins.  If all the grant money is not used then the money is returned to the Department of Safety.


Mr. Bob Mann from the Conservation Committee and Mr. Bob Cavacco the owner of Hillcrest Campground meet with the Board regarding Marsh Dam.  Selectman DeBold said the State had requested that the Town of Chichester register the dam.  The Town of Chichester owns half of the dam the other half belongs to Hillcrest Campground.  

Mr. Keneally explained that the initial breech was six foot high and eight feet wide, it is currently six feet high and sixteen feet wide and is eroding fast.  Something needs to be done before the dam breaks.  Selectman DeBold suggested that pond be brought down about three feet.  Mr. Cavacco disagreed, he said if the pond is brought down that much  it could endanger the fish and other wild life that lives in the pond.   Mr. Cavacco suggested taking the pond down one foot.  Mr. Cavacco said that if a new dam was built, he would put a concrete walkway across the pond and put in ten parking spaces at Hillcrest so the residents of Chichester could walk across the pond.

Selectman DeBold is going to contact Mr. Dale Quinn at the Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) and have Mr. Quinn look at the dam and Selectman DeBold will request his guidance on lowering the water.  It was decided that whatever the DES suggested the town will follow.  It was suggested that an engineer be hired to evaluate the dam and to give suggestions on what should be done.


Mrs. Ann Fournier met with the Board to discuss the trailer that is on her property.  Mrs. Fournier was advised that having someone living in the trailer was a violation of the Town Ordinances and that the resident and trailer must be removed.  Mrs. Fournier said that a previous Board had made a decision that the trailer could stay on her property for the Fourniers’ use and that the trailer should be grandfathered.  The Board did not agree and told Mrs. Fournier that the resident and the trailer must be removed.  Mrs. Fournier told the Board she was going to contact her attorney.  The Board asked Patty to send a letter to Mrs. Fournier affirming the decision of the Board.  Also, Patty was asked to send a letter to Mrs. Fourier’s attorney denying his request for a sixty day delay so that he may gather information regarding this case.


A unanimous decision was made to appoint Mrs. Lucille Noel to the Budget Committee.  Patty is going to send thank you letters to the other candidates.

Selectman MacCleery asked Patty to research the Historical Society to see if it is a separate entity.  Selectman MacCleery asked Patty to research Mr. Guida’s abatement.

Selectman DeBold updated the other Selectmen about the wetlands committee.  Selectman DeBold advised the other Selectman of the Planning Board’s proposal to   create another zoning district within the commercial zone.

Selectmen discussed meeting with the Budget Committee on November 16, 2004 to discuss the procedure for the meetings.


General correspondence was reviewed.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned at 11:15PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery